Do you want to improve your hotel website performance and convert more direct bookings?

In this workshop, International Content Marketing Specialists will give proven SEO & Copywriting strategies to boost your hotel website’s conversions.

Meet the experts:

  • Jenn Zajac (Five Star Content) - Content Marketing Specialist. She works with global hotel brands and independent properties on content strategy, SEO, and website copywriting. Jenn also teaches hoteliers about all things digital marketing through her blog and online courses.
  • Juliana Hahn (Hospitality Copywriting) - Technical Hospitality Copywriter. She leverages her industry experience to craft engaging content for hospitality tech companies, hotels and online publications. She also offers tutorials and resources on copywriting to help hotels boost direct bookings

The host, Paula Carreirão, Content Marketing Specialist at Asksuite and former hotelier, will moderate and ask the important questions about SEO and Copywriting in the hotel industry.

Learn tips to put into practice your hotel marketing strategy now.

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